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Complete guide to crafting in Minecraft. Includes basic items, blocks, tools, weapons, mechanism, food, wool & more.
CraftGuide Mod 1.7.10 is a fairly simple in-game recipe viewer for Minecraft with the goal of being able to display a lot of information at once, and have some fairly simple ways to quickly navigate it. Quick access to a list of every crafting recipe in the game. Follow this recipe
A complete minecraft crafting guide showing crafting recipes for every possible item. Updated for Minecraft version 1.8.
CraftGuide: Quick access to a list of every crafting recipe in the game! This mod is made by Uristqwerty, all credit to the []
2 May 2013
The ultimate crafting guide for Minecraft! Find ALL the latest recipes to craft anything in Minecraft.
New items and crafting recipe guides in version 1.5 of Minecraft. Craft Redstone Block, Daylight Sensor, Redstone Comparator, Dropper, Hopper, Activator Rail, Hopper Minecart, TNT Minecart, Weighted Pressure Plate, Trapped Chest, Quartz, Nether Quartz.
3 May 2013 Recipe Book Mod is a peculiar one. (created by Risugami) I highly recommend this mod to new comers, or noobs to minecraft. although some advantages can be obtained by anyone who uses Recipe Book Mod , such as all the potion recipes. A great thing about Recipe Book Mod is that, it has its own GUI
CraftGuide Mod, which was created as a result of how useful Risugami's RecipeBook is, provide quick access to a list of every crafting recipe in the game!
The Minecraft crafting guide, is a complete list of crafting recipes. The list includes everything from simple tools to complex mechanisms.
